Monday, December 8, 2008

How I helped the Eagles Beat the Giants

OK OK, you read the last blog and wonder how dare I say things like the title of this blog. But it's true, I swear it. You see I've been a practitioner of "Opposite Boy" philosophy for some time. For those of you who ain't familiar with it the basic premise is your not in touch with your inter feelings. Well you are, you just got them backwards. What that means is you always do the opposite of what you think is the right thing to do. So for sports you make a list of who's going to win then bet on the other team. Makes perfect sense doesn't it. I mean this is the same way bookies and hedge funds work. They play both sides of the issue to reduce the risk. So on Sunday I changed all my bets from the Eagles to the Giants thereby guarantying that the Eagles would win outright. So there you are, you can thank me for being the Giant Killer, I mean after all I did as much s Westbrook didn't I?

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