Monday, May 24, 2010

Slowly I turned Step by Step

That's how I feel about the Flyers. They have turned me around from being just a casual observer into a rabid fan, and they did it with their play. I havn't been this excited since, well the last time we got there in 97. I haven't flown my Flyer's flag since then but it up and gonna stay up! I can't help notice that many have not climbed aboard the bandwagon as there is lots of room still. So I asked my neighbor what he thought and I was surprised by his answer "awa, I not really into it." You're not into it, how could a Philly sports fan not be into it. His answer was "they got blow away the last time." I guess he is right I still remember how painful it was watch them be swept by Detroit it was the year my son was born. I went from saying, he was born the year we won the cup to he was born the year we got swept. Dam, Philly fan have long memories and we feel the losses of our favorite teams like personal insults. We can't separate our own self image from that of the team. People say it's tough to play professional sports here. I think it's even tougher to live here as a fan of professional sports. There is much to learn from this Flyers team and what it means to be resilient. Maybe Philadelphians should follow their example. We are great fans of professional sport teams and are great human beings regardless of how the teams play or what newscasters say about of fair city. Slowly I turned, step by step, inch by inch I'm turning from a rabid sport fan into a better person. God bless the Flyers for showing me the way.

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