Some times you get what you need! A Phillies Win.
World Series Road Trip
A jaded view of the Philly sports scene from the fans in the parking lot.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
All Philly Sports Weekend
Man what a weekend to be a fan of Philly sports. It was a double header both days. You had Temple football and Phillies' baseball on Saturday and the Eagles and Phillies on Sunday. I was out and about both days and the mood of the fans was extremely optimistic even on Sunday after the Phils lost on Saturday night. The crowd at Ca's Eagles Tailgate was excited and having a great time. The weather Sunny with a slight wind was just awesome for tailgating on Sunday and the Eagles faithful were out in full force in all parking lots. Although many were planning to stay all day and attend both games, most fans had Eagles attire.Some people hedged their bet with Eagles Jerseys and Phillies' hat's. Anybody making a dual jersey? Think about it half Eagles half Phillies how cool would that be. I'm gonna talk to Sid from about marketing this product. He's always open to new ideas. Speaking of new ideas amongst the parade of T-shirt sellers and beggars of good causes that are constantly bothering the tailgaters there was a group giving out Gummy Bears. Great way to cleanse your pallet between Mimosas and Yinglings. One keen observer remarked "they should make Gummy condoms." "The slogan could be Chew it and then, Do it." Yo Sid are you taking notes, I think this ones a winner. Love to hear your thoughts on the games, your tailgate party or any of the crazy ideas we came up with. That's all for now and I'll see you in the parking lot.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Journey Separate Ways Remake By Kids at PACS
The kids are going a great job at PACS help them win $20,000 for the school. Go to and vote for PACS.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Phillies Tailgate Party
The gang from AC was in force in the parking lot have a great tailgate party before the Phillie's game last night. Saw many old friends and made some new ones. What a great bunch of people. Everyone one was fired up for Doc's 20th win. It was a great night to tailgate and a great night to be at the game. Right before everyone left singer Teddi wowed the crowd with her rendition of the National Anthem. Boy what a set of lungs on that girl, and she can sing too. I'm not kidding when I say she brought a tear to many people eyes when she sang. I'm going to get a copy of it and post it here later but for now check out the sideshow AC Gang Phillies Trip.
That's all for now and I'll see you in the parking lot.
PS leave a comment I'd love to hear what you think about the slideshow
That's all for now and I'll see you in the parking lot.
PS leave a comment I'd love to hear what you think about the slideshow
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Deliliah's & 610 Tailgate Contest rip-off
I guess I'm not surprised to learn the the winners of the tailgate party contest are getting practically nothing for winning the first week. It turns out they well offered 2 free drinks & snacks with a private room at Delilah's den to watch this weeks Eagles Game. What a rip-off! the food and drinks were better at the tailgate party in the parking lot than what 610 and Delilah's are offering. The funny thing is they placed a video on 610 where you can see how great the tailgate parties they visited were check it out yourself
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Slot car racing in NJ
Time for the Garden State ISRA slot car race. Come to SpeedzoneNJ Raceway and start the slot car racing season on Sunday, September 26. Raceway opens at 8 AM. First race is at 10 AM. Here is the order of the classes and what track we will be racing on as well entry fees:
$6 - 1/32nd Production: Engleman banked track
$8 - Group 10: Engleman banked track
$10 - B Production: Jersey Devil Flat track
$12 - Open Group 12: Jersey Devil Flat track
*In Addition we have talked to Jay and Mike at Speedzone and after the regular scheduled Garden State classes, there will be a 1/24 Eurosport race, with a $100 cash payout! First will receive $50, second $30, and third $20! Eurosport will use Northeast ISRA Rules.
*There will also be a raffle for a brand new Group 10 roller provided by Robert Geibel, and built by Andrew. The raffle will be five dollars for five tickets and the money will go towards the end of the year point fund.
It's going to be a great day of racing and we hope everyone had a great summer and is looking forward to kicking off the season as much as we are. We look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday, September 26!
$6 - 1/32nd Production: Engleman banked track
$8 - Group 10: Engleman banked track
$10 - B Production: Jersey Devil Flat track
$12 - Open Group 12: Jersey Devil Flat track
*In Addition we have talked to Jay and Mike at Speedzone and after the regular scheduled Garden State classes, there will be a 1/24 Eurosport race, with a $100 cash payout! First will receive $50, second $30, and third $20! Eurosport will use Northeast ISRA Rules.
*There will also be a raffle for a brand new Group 10 roller provided by Robert Geibel, and built by Andrew. The raffle will be five dollars for five tickets and the money will go towards the end of the year point fund.
It's going to be a great day of racing and we hope everyone had a great summer and is looking forward to kicking off the season as much as we are. We look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday, September 26!
Phillies Ticket & Tailgate Party
I just wanted my friends in on a Phillie's ticket and tailgate package $55 for this Saturday. It's a 7:05 game and the party starts at 3:30. Give me a call if you want to come down 267-847-2110. The weather is going to be gorgeous the Phils are hot what else do you need.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Blog title...
Ok so Sunday wasn't a great day for the Eagles,but it was a great day for They were crowned best tailgate party in Phila. by radio 610 and Delilah's Den. Just another notch in their belt.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
It's a Crap Shoot
OK well it's finally her the Eagles season begins Sunday at 4:15. There has bee a lot of talk of about the new quarterback and all the great rookies, but nobody and I mean nobody knows what this team will do. All hail the return of the starting 'O' line but come on, three of the five are nursing some kind of injury, and the fives starters have not played together as a unit this pre-season. They are only one injury away from having to go to some third stringer to fill in. I don't care how much promise KK showed if you don't have the time to throw the ball it means nothing. We already saw that this pre-season. And then there is the dog killer. I still don't get why he is on our team. They made a big deal of his two "first downs" during pre-season, I mean give me a break 3 &1 3 &2 any QB worth his salt should be able to do the same. I just don't get it. Vick is just a disruption to the unity of this football team that we don't need. Enough about him what about Big Red? Well he's going to be the same old guy his always been. Slow to change and calling the wrong plays at the wrong time. You know with a suspect 'O' line you'd think he would make it easier for them and run the ball more, but nooooooo. You watch KK will be throwing 60-70 passes on Sunday. Reid is predictable and therefore the weak link in the chain. This season is going be rest more on his inability to think past the first 15 plays that what the players will be dong on the field. I including a link here to a sweatshirt that you'll thank me for later in the year. Go to Holiday shirt and see what I mean. That all I have and I'll see you in the parking lot.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Boys of Summer
Even with the Phils out of their slump I can't stop thinking about those other Boys of Summer. Yea it's dem EAGLES. They are sweating their butts off in camp Leigh getting ready of the beginning of the season. It's too early to tell if they are going to be a bust or destined for greatness. OK maybe that's going to far, so lets just say playoff worthy. I don't care how they do it just Win baby Win. Usually I'm counting the days till vacation but this year I'm counting the days till preseason action. Preseason? We talking about Preseason? Yes I am, the date I'm waiting on is Friday the 13th! On man is that a omen or what? Is disaster going to befall my EAGLES with another season ending injury to a starter? Is Michel Vick going to get bit by a dog? Am I going to get into an accident on the way to the game? The mind spins endlessly. I'm going to try and be positive and work on my whistling skills. As I'm sure that I going to be whistling past the graveyard that night. That's the way I see it and I hope to see you in the parking lot soon!
PS Cav's hosting two fundraisers in Aug check them out and help a good cause while having some fun.
PS Cav's hosting two fundraisers in Aug check them out and help a good cause while having some fun.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Fade to Black and Orange
OK it's over! There will be no joy on Broad Street. The Flyers ended their magical mystery tour with Wednesday's lose to the Blackhawks . It ended just like it started, Sudden Death in overtime, life is truly a circle. It wasn't any less painful having the puck shot like a laser beam into the net like a laser beam, death is death! I know it kills me to have to take down my flag put away the decorations put the neatly laid out jersey back into the drawer. I can only image how the players feel. For some of them it may have been their last chance to sip the champagne from the cup. I don't know if anger or spite that causes me to rail against Philadelphia city council for vetoing the Mayor's plan to cut funding for parades. If the Flyers can't have one nobody should! So here we go off into the blackness that is another loss. I'm sorry that I can't find the good side of what happened. I guess Ricky Bobby said it best. If you're not First you're LAST! OBFFOB
Friday, May 28, 2010
No Power No Problem
Even last weeks power black-out in NE Philly couldn't stop the Flyer faithful (me and sarge) from seeing the last game against the Canadians. In case you missed it, you were lucky. I guess we were too because it happened between the second and third periods. Just enough time for us to jump in the car and fly down the Boulevard to the first watering hole with the lights on. We arrived just in time to enjoy the final period with a couple of cold ones. It's a microcosm of the Flyer's season. Cut off and facing blackness the Flyers pulled themselves together and did what they had to do to keep the season alive. "It's karma Kramer." They are a team of destiny. Dare I say their on a mission from God! OK enough TV movie references. Face it, it's our time and we deserve it. The Flyer's fans have waited long enough to sip the sweet taste of victory from Lord Stanley's cup! When our heroes return home victorious next week I hope to see you in the parking lot. Go Flyers.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Slowly I turned Step by Step
That's how I feel about the Flyers. They have turned me around from being just a casual observer into a rabid fan, and they did it with their play. I havn't been this excited since, well the last time we got there in 97. I haven't flown my Flyer's flag since then but it up and gonna stay up! I can't help notice that many have not climbed aboard the bandwagon as there is lots of room still. So I asked my neighbor what he thought and I was surprised by his answer "awa, I not really into it." You're not into it, how could a Philly sports fan not be into it. His answer was "they got blow away the last time." I guess he is right I still remember how painful it was watch them be swept by Detroit it was the year my son was born. I went from saying, he was born the year we won the cup to he was born the year we got swept. Dam, Philly fan have long memories and we feel the losses of our favorite teams like personal insults. We can't separate our own self image from that of the team. People say it's tough to play professional sports here. I think it's even tougher to live here as a fan of professional sports. There is much to learn from this Flyers team and what it means to be resilient. Maybe Philadelphians should follow their example. We are great fans of professional sport teams and are great human beings regardless of how the teams play or what newscasters say about of fair city. Slowly I turned, step by step, inch by inch I'm turning from a rabid sport fan into a better person. God bless the Flyers for showing me the way.
Monday, May 17, 2010
OMG they didn't do that did they? The Flyers just shelled the Canadians six to nothing! Wow, I'm a believer, they are going all the way to the Stanley Cup! Sorry Phillies fans but for the next two weeks it's all Flyers! Talk about your band wagon, it's going to be a big one. I still can't get the wife to ride over to Cottman and the Frankford after they win each series. I want to act like I'm 20 again! I want to revel in the streets and hit every bar on Frankford avenue! Yo Charlie by the time I get near your house I'm gonna be bombed! Can I sleep in your basement? I promise I'll use the bathroom and not your backyard. Just keeping it real as always. I hope to see you in the parking lot soon.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Phillies Road Trip to Washington
Just got back from an awesome Phillies road trip to Washington. Boy was it a beautiful day. I was engulfed in a sea of red and white. The food was great the beer was cold and Roy Halladay was hot! Check out the link below
Phillies Road Trip to Washington
Phillies Road Trip to Washington
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Phillies Road Trip to Boston
Well if you didn't already know the Phillies opening day road trip to Washington sold out in three days. Please stop calling and begging to get on the bus. We're full and nobody is giving up their seat. Don't fret there is another Phillies road trip in June. This one is to Boston, it's two fun filled nights in bean town with a ticket to the game on Saturday. We leave Friday 6/11 and return Sunday 6/13. Did I mention round trip transportation via deluxe motor coach. We'll be staying at the downtown Club Quarters, it's within walking distance of many great restaurants and attractions. Don't wait call today 267-495-722 to make your reservation. Already made up you mind? Go to PhillySportsTours and buy you ticket on-line. I think I'm getting a new hat for the trip. Check it out BostonRoadTripHat. I think it goes well with my road warrior mentality. Drop me a line and let me know what you think and I'll see you in the parking lot.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Twins '47 Argyle MLB Franchise hats at
I can't wait for the Phillies season to start. I wasted fourty minutes trying to get tickets for the opener in Washington. I should have called Cav. Hey check out this New Phillies Cap I'm thinking of getting. What you think? It's also comes in green for those who want to celebrate St Patricks day.
Twins '47 Argyle MLB Franchise hats at
Twins '47 Argyle MLB Franchise hats at
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The Big "O"
I know things are bigger in Texas, but that goose egg the Eagles laid last week was huge. They went from Division winner to 6th seed in the space of 3 hours! There were so many things wrong I don't know where to start. So let's start at the top with Big Red. Once again he was totally out coached. I have to wonder if he is blind. How you you watch that first half and not do something about it. I understand you have to let the coaches coach and the players play but not when a bye and home field advantage is at stake. That's when the head coach needs to step in and remind everyone what's at stake. I was most worried about the "O" line before the game as was surprised that it wasn't the train wreck I was expecting. I didn't expect our defense to stop Dallas' offense but I thought they would keep it close. What happened to all those stats that say this Eagles teams puts up the most points ever? Where was that explosive offense that the commentators always talk about? Where the hell was #10 and why has he been a non-factor twice against Dallas? Where was the leadership, oh yea I forgot that's not #5' thing. Where was the leadership on defense, oh yea I forgot we traded it to Denver. Hows that working out.
My friend says it's a good thing. We got a do over, and it can't be any worse than zero. I got news for you it can get worse and I have a sickening feeling we're going to see it this Saturday night. I made the mistake of watching the game in public last week and having to restrain myself from taking out my displeasure on several Dallas fans. They'll never know how close they came to death. I certainly won't make that mistake again. I may not even watch this week as the Eagles don't deserve my loyalty. They are an overpaid group of millionaires with no connection the the city or me. As my dad used to say, " they're a bunch of bums."
My friend says it's a good thing. We got a do over, and it can't be any worse than zero. I got news for you it can get worse and I have a sickening feeling we're going to see it this Saturday night. I made the mistake of watching the game in public last week and having to restrain myself from taking out my displeasure on several Dallas fans. They'll never know how close they came to death. I certainly won't make that mistake again. I may not even watch this week as the Eagles don't deserve my loyalty. They are an overpaid group of millionaires with no connection the the city or me. As my dad used to say, " they're a bunch of bums."
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Crazy Movie 2: The Return of the Eagles
After a hideous loss the Eagles will now have to return to Big D for their revenge...great. One win. That was all we needed to have a week off and at least one home playoff game. You would think after 6 straight wins (even the one where they squeaked by the Broncos), this wouldn't pose too difficult of a task. But then again, these are the Eagles we are talking about. Nothing ever comes easy in the sports in Philadelphia. But hey, there are 5 important words to remember about the two leaders of the Cowgirls (meaning Wade Phillips and Tony Homo..I mean Romo):
GO BIRDS!!!!!!!
GO BIRDS!!!!!!!
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